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Lack of liquidity mitigated damages to BonqDAO exploit: Report

After amassing $120 million in tokens through an infinite minting glitch, hackers reportedly only cashed out around $1 million due to a lack of liquidity on BonqDAO.

Chinese Communist Party officials issue KPIs for e-CNY transactions in Suzhou

CCP officials want to see the e-CNY surpass $300 billion in transactions in 2023 through promotional efforts.

Is the Metaverse really turning out like ‘Snow Crash’?

Neal Stephenson’s science fiction novel Snow Crash predicted the Metaverse in 1992. This cult book has the amusingly-named Hiro Protagonist running around in an artificial cyber world, trying to stop a virus that wipes minds, aided by his hacker friend Y.T. Reality is a place to escape from, a neoliberal future wrecked by hyperinflation and […]

Top 7 blockchain courses and certifications for beginners

Blockchain courses and certifications help individuals understand the underlying principles and applications of blockchain technology.

State of play: Decentralized domain services reflect on industry progress

Major decentralized domain services weigh in on the state of the industry and the potential for future growth.

Bitcoin Ordinals creators look for fix after first instance of shock porn

A rather unsavory image made it to the front page of the Ordinals website for 30 minutes before it was hidden, however, the image itself is immutable.

72% of institutional traders are crypto-skeptical this year: JPMorgan

The seventh edition of JPMorgan's e-Trading Edit asked 835 institutional traders about their plans for trading digital assets in 2023, among other topics.

BonqDAO protocol suffers $120M loss after oracle hack

An oracle hack allowed the exploiter to manipulate the price of the AllianceBlock token, leading to an estimated $120 million loss, according to Peckshield.

What is Solend and how does it work

Solend is a DeFi lending and borrowing protocol on Solana, noted for its high scalability and composability.

MakerDAO launches $5M legal defense fund

At its inception, the defense fund will receive a budget of $5 million held in the DAI stablecoin.

Tiffany Fong flames Celsius, FTX and NY Post: Hall of Flame

Tiffany Fong stumbled into content creation and independent journalism after getting burned on the Celsius bankruptcy, moving forward she has no idea where this will lead.

How to improve your coding skills using ChatGPT

ChatGPT can generate code snippets and solutions to coding problems quickly and efficiently. Here’s how.

Blockchain IM apps to see over half-billion dollar valuation by 2030

Blockchain-backed digital messaging applications are forecasted to skyrocket in value in the seven years with a projected 43.6% compound annual growth rate.

Here's why India held on to older crypto reforms in national budget 2023

Experts opine that the Indian government needs more data and time to decide on rigid tax policies, given it has been only ten months since the tax laws were introduced in March 2022.

Toyota to explore blockchain use cases via DAO hackathon

The automotive giant is exploring DAO tools and blockchain integration to improve company operations.

Decentralized Twitter alternative goes live on Apple's App Store

The Damus app is powered by Nostr which uses decentralized relays to distribute end-to-end encrypted messages.

Blockchain provider SIMBA Chain awarded $30M by US Air Force STRATFI program

According to SIMBA Chain, the investment will go toward developing blockchain applications that will be used by several government organizations.

Rumor has it that Dogecoin could shift to proof-of-stake — What does that mean for miners?

Dogecoin shifting to proof-of-stake would be good for the environment, but what impact would it have on miners and ASIC manufacturers?

Cronos Labs to accept second cohort for $100M-backed Web3 accelerator program

The program aims to provide selected projects with upfront seed funding of $30,000 in addition to mentoring, masterclasses and support from industry experts.

Ethereum staking withdrawal testnet Zhejiang to go online Feb. 1

This is the first Ethereum public test since the Merge upgrade in September 2022. Developers said further testnets will be triggered in the coming week.

Tesla records $140M Bitcoin net loss in 2022

The electric vehicle maker earned $64 million in profits from Bitcoin trading, which was offset by a $204 million impairment.

What are reflection tokens, and how do they work?

Describing crypto tokens that generate passive income, reflection tokens redistribute gas using smart contracts by rewarding their investors with extra crypto.

20 wild attempts to create crypto micronations or communities

From repurposed cruise ships like MS Satosh, to the blockchain governed Liberland and Satoshi Island, crypto fans are trying to create utopian new communities built around new rules.

Top 5 Bitcoin documentaries to add to your watchlist

Bitcoin documentaries can serve as a tool for advocacy, helping to promote the adoption and acceptance of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

ADA-backed algorithmic stablecoin Djed launched on Cardano

The algo-stablecoin Djed from DeFi service provider COTI deployed on the Cardano mainnet after its successful security audit.

Digital asset investment products see highest inflows since July 2022: Report

According to CoinShares, digital asset investment products saw $117 million in inflows last week.

Ordinals protocol sparks debate over NFT's place in the Bitcoin ecosystem

The community has been divided as to whether the NFT-like "digital artifacts" are the right fit for the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Secret Network validator shuts down nodes after leadership turmoil

An internal conflict at the privacy-focused Secret Network has resulted in at least one validator throwing in the towel.

Monkey Drainer-linked scammers possibly exposed after an on-chain quarrel

The scammer referred to their pseudonym during a blockchain message argument which may have revealed their actual identity, according to CertiK.

Bitcoin stays out of fear for 11 straight days as price tips near 24K

Bitcoin's huge price surge in January has meant that 64% of Bitcoin investors are in profit, according to data from IntoTheBlock.
