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Blockchain's potential: How AI can change the decentralized ledger

Artificial intelligence’s transformative power in relation to blockchain technology is being severely overlooked, say experts.

US Air Force taps SIMBA Chain to develop budgeting and accounting system

They said the purpose of DiBaT is to convert all dollars in the USAF supply chain budget into tokens and monitor fund movement across billing centers, purchasing centers and suppliers.

Soulbound Tokens: Social credit system or spark for global adoption?

Banking uses 56 times more energy than Bitcoin: Valuechain report

Analysis of Bitcoin’s proof-of-work and the Lightning Network exposes the banking system as energy-hungry, demonstrating that Bitcoin is better for the planet.

‘Builders rejoice’: Experts on why bear markets are good for Bitcoin

Crypto winters are actually good for Bitcoin, say experts, as some pivotal BTC projects like the Lightning Network were born during bear markets.
