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Circle freezes blacklisted Tornado Cash smart contract addresses

Stablecoin issuers can blacklist interactions with the Tornado Cash dApp on the Ethereum smart contract level.

White hat hackers have returned $32.6M worth of tokens to Nomad bridge

The cross-chain bridge was drained of its assets in less than three hours.

Binance sides with Indian regulators in WazirX fallout to cease support for off-chain transfers

Binance denied any equity ownership in the India-based crypto exchange after the latter came under regulatory scrutiny.

A slice of the punk: Cryptopunk NFT to be split into 56,000 pieces

A valuable Cryptopunk nonfungible token is set to be fractionalized as more than 56,000 addresses sign up for a share of ownership.

Ethereum Name Service founder reflects as 2 million registration mark nears

As the Ethereum Name Service edges closer to 2 million domain registrations, its founder reflects on the parallels with the internet’s Domain Name Service.

Ethereum Merge may lessen usage for other chains, says Nansen CEO: KBW 2022

Nansen CEO Alex Svanevik said that while many chains will become ghost towns after the Merge, some will be able to find their own niches.

Chainlink ditches Ethereum PoW forks for PoS after The Merge

The Chainlink protocol will continue operations on Ethereum after the upcoming Merge to the proof-of-stake consensus layer.

Cross chains, beware! deBridge flags attempted phishing attack, suspects Lazarus Group

deBridge Finance survives an attempted phishing attack, points a finger at the North Korean Lazarus Group, and warns the wider community to be on guard.

Korea Blockchain Week, Aug. 8: First-day takeaways from the Cointelegraph team

The first day of the main stage event included a keynote presentation from Ethereum’s Vitalik Buterin, 1inch Network's Sergej Kunz, and Klaytn Foundation’s Sam Seo.

Six reasons why blockchain makes sense for commercial real estate: Deloitte

The study reveals that blockchain technology is well-positioned to take over more than 50% of the entire leasing and sale process across commercial real estate.

Web2 adoption key to Metaverse success, Klaytn Foundation founder — KBW 2022

“Even though it's hard, adapting Web3 technologies to Web2 platforms could be a way to bring mass adoption,” says Klaytn Foundation director Sam Seo.

Vitalik: Crypto payments will 'make sense' as tx costs fall to mere cents — KBW 2022

“It's a vision that has been, I think, forgotten a little bit and I think one of the reasons why it has been forgotten is basically because it got priced out of the market,” Vitalik Buterin said.

Aurora Labs exec details 'fascinating and devious' crypto scam he almost fell for

A sharp-eyed escrow agent and a screenshot saved Aurora Labs' head of product Matt Henderson from losing his tokens to scammers.

Once-hacked for $77M, Beanstalk's algo stablecoin protocol relaunches

Beanstalk Farms stablecoin protocol was relaunched on Aug. 6 with the team working to hopefully reclaim the $100 million market cap of its BEAN stablecoin prior to the hack in April.

What is Chainlink VRF and how does it work?

Using the provably fair and verifiable random number generator provided by Chainlink VRF, smart contracts can access random values without compromising security or usability.

What is a decentralized money market and how does it work?

Decentralized money markets function without a custodian, allowing only the original user to withdraw funds deposited by lenders and borrowers.

What will cryptocurrency look like in 2027? Here are 5 predictions

One year isn’t enough time to witness many fundamental changes, but five years is just enough for everything to change.

Nonfungible tokens don't live on the blockchain, experts say

Jonathan Victor noted that storing data off-chain doesn't mean it's centralized. It's still decentralized when it's done thoughtfully.

Antminer S19 XP dropped in a bid to swing crypto miners back into profit

Phil Harvey said that this type of miner can typically last a minimum of 36 months in a facility operated by their crypto firm Sabre56.

Experts find private keys on Slope servers, still puzzled over access

Blockchain analysis firms involved in Solana exploit investigation unpack the latest developments as teams try to figure out how private keys were stolen.

Nomad announces $190 million bounty for lost funds from recent hack

Nomad announced that it’s offering up to a 10% bounty to return funds stolen from the recent hack on the Nomad bridge on Aug. 2.

Solana-hacked crypto could be claimed as a tax loss: Experts

Australian, Canadian & U.K. crypto investors may potentially claim hacked crypto as a tax loss, but U.S. investors will miss out, according to tax experts.

Meta enables Instagram NFT integration in over 100 countries

Mark Zuckerberg's company, which posted a sharp loss in its Metaverse division in Q2, unveiled its digital asset expansion strategy on May 10, 2022.

Worthless JPEGs: Redditor turns NFT criticism into NFTs

One Reddit user collected quotes from NFT haters on the internet and famous skeptics like Warren Buffet, Peter Schiff and Dan Olson.

Self-custody isn’t for everyone: WisdomTree exec on ‘be your own bank’

As self-custody puts a lot of responsibility on a user, many may find it way too uncomfortable or too hard to handle.

Senator Warren proposes reducing Wall Street's involvement in crypto

Warren's letter urges OCC to collaborate with Fed and FDIC to develop an alternative cryptocurrency approach “that adequately protects consumers and the safety and soundness of the banking system.”

Nansen admits neglecting DeFi plans during the NFT craze

Nansen has registered over 130 million addresses and has grown 30% despite the crypto downturn in 2022.

Major hacks in play-to-earn crypto games a ‘matter of time’ — Report

According to a cybersecurity auditing firm, GameFi projects are putting "profits above security" and pose a great risk to the projects and its users.
